Booragul Public School
2024 Parent Information Booklet
Booragul Public School is nestled on the north-western shores of Lake Macquarie. Booragul means 'summertime place' in our local Awabakal language. This essence is encapsulated in all that we do. Our location, coupled with our engaging, well-resourced learning spaces, provide an idyllic setting for students to learn and develop the strong foundations which will prepare them to be outstanding citizens of the future.
Booragul Public School has an enrolment of 222 students. In 2022, 21% of students identified as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and 6% identified as coming from a non-English speaking background. We embrace diversity and strive to build cultural proficiency and high educational outcomes for all students. Our students come from a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds and our Family Occupation and Education Index (FOEI) is 127.
Our dedicated and professional staff are highly experienced in providing exceptional educational experiences for all students. Teachers continually improve their practice through engagement in high impact professional learning and current educational research which ensures all students are provided with best-practice, evidence-based teaching. We have a strong focus on learning and support processes which ensure all students are provided with the appropriate level of support and challenge to ensure they are engaged, motivated and encouraged to continually improve and grow.
Expert practitioners provide tuition in physical education, sport, music and digital technologies. Extracurricular activities include debating, public speaking, choir and dance. A highlight in our school calendar is our annual participation in Star Struck. Concepts of the environment and sustainability are supported by our outstanding garden program. Students' social and emotional growth is supported through social skills and play therapy programs run by highly trained wellbeing officers. We pride ourselves in the quality of our wellbeing programs. Caring for students is an integral focus to ensure students connect, succeed, thrive and learn.
Booragul Public School is proudly linked to Lake Macquarie Area Collegiate. Through our Kindy Club transition program and the high school's Head Start program, all students make a strong start in both primary and high school.
Our school is supported by a strong Parents & Citizens Association (P & C) who strive to support the delivery of our educational programs. Out of School Hours Care is provided onsite by an external provider.
A rigorous situational analysis was conducted to inform the 2021-2024 Strategic Improvement Plan and community consultation has occurred at all stages throughout the process. We have identified the need to refine distributed leadership strategies across the school to ensure dedication to the delivery of responsive, evidence-based teaching, learning and wellbeing programs.